The Yogi Government transferred the IPS Sonia Singh Kanpur to Kanpur in May 2017. When he took charge, the SSP had patrolled in some areas of the city on the very first day, during this time he was quoting a dresser's dress: "Darda ji, dress properly, wear this news, you tell it under ear wear. This photo has been very viral because talking to the IPS rates.
After joining Sonia Singh, she tried to understand the mood of the city. Wearing jeans-t-shirts, they came out in the city's Kent and Kakdev region.
- He told the people there, "We will not tolerate anybody's bullying or white uniform or uniform, the FIR will be registered and it will also get justice."
Before this they were stationed in Bulandshahar. After several cases of tampering were brought out, he campaigned against the Majnunas.
After joining Sonia Singh, she tried to understand the mood of the city. Wearing jeans-t-shirts, they came out in the city's Kent and Kakdev region.
- He told the people there, "We will not tolerate anybody's bullying or white uniform or uniform, the FIR will be registered and it will also get justice."
Before this they were stationed in Bulandshahar. After several cases of tampering were brought out, he campaigned against the Majnunas.
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