Senior filmmaker Ava Mukherjee, who worked in many Bollywood movies, died at the age of 88. Ava played Shahrukh Khan's grandmother in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's famous film 'Devdas'. Ava started working in the movies in 1966 with the Bengali film 'Ram Dhakka'.
He later played a minor role in Sunil Sippy's 'Snip' in 2000. After this he played the role of Shahrukh's grandmother in 'Devdas'. He also had a soul roll in Ram Gopal Varma's horror movie 'Darna Jaruri'. Apart from this, he also had a lead role in his daughter Romila's directorial "Detective Nani".
Before coming to the movies, Ava Mukherjee had done a lot of work as a copy writer, translator and author too. Many Bollywood celebrities have expressed grief at Ava's death.
He later played a minor role in Sunil Sippy's 'Snip' in 2000. After this he played the role of Shahrukh's grandmother in 'Devdas'. He also had a soul roll in Ram Gopal Varma's horror movie 'Darna Jaruri'. Apart from this, he also had a lead role in his daughter Romila's directorial "Detective Nani".
Before coming to the movies, Ava Mukherjee had done a lot of work as a copy writer, translator and author too. Many Bollywood celebrities have expressed grief at Ava's death.
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