India's cricket match and Anushka Sharma did not get the news. That's possible, maybe not. India's third Test match in South Africa started and Anushka Sharma posted a photo on Twitter account. Who wrote on that let me know who I am enjoying my holiday with. In the photo, Anushka had a dog with her.
After Anushka Sharma's post, people made many comments. Some, while chanting the old chant, said that after the marriage, Virat's performance has worsened, while some of them have lured the commentators against Anushka. Although many did not stray from the issue and praised the photo of Anushka, he made many commentaries.
After Anushka Sharma's post, people made many comments. Some, while chanting the old chant, said that after the marriage, Virat's performance has worsened, while some of them have lured the commentators against Anushka. Although many did not stray from the issue and praised the photo of Anushka, he made many commentaries.
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