Actor Emperor Reddy of South Films has accused his wife of stealing. Following allegations made by the emperor's wife, Harshita, the police has arrested him. Both of them were married in 2015, but after the husband's harassment, Harshita decided to separate from them. In 2017, Harshita had a police commissioner accusing the emperor of torture and physical abuse.
The Telugu movie actor Emperor Reddy, who had been living separately, had been living in the house of his wife after committing sedition and burglary when he had gone to his mother's house. In the Madhopur, Hyderabad Police Station, Harshita filed a complaint that her Husband entered the house and broke the furniture, stole jewelery and CCTV camera. Inspector R Kalinga Rao says that there is some family problem between Kapal and they are living separately for a long time. He said that a case has been registered against Reddy against IPC Section Section 380 and 448.
The Telugu movie actor Emperor Reddy, who had been living separately, had been living in the house of his wife after committing sedition and burglary when he had gone to his mother's house. In the Madhopur, Hyderabad Police Station, Harshita filed a complaint that her Husband entered the house and broke the furniture, stole jewelery and CCTV camera. Inspector R Kalinga Rao says that there is some family problem between Kapal and they are living separately for a long time. He said that a case has been registered against Reddy against IPC Section Section 380 and 448.
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