Directed by Anand L. Rai and the title of Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif Starrer has been announced. The name of the film will be zero. Shahrukh Khan will be seen in the role of a dwarf in his next film. Shahrukh's new look has also been revealed in the film.
Shah Rukh Khan tweeted the name of the film. He wrote, 'Sit for the tickets, people should have fulfilled my life, the show also! The film teaser has also been released. Seeing the glimpse of Shahrukh Khan in the film's teaser, you will press the fingers under your teeth.
Shah Rukh Khan tweeted the name of the film. He wrote, 'Sit for the tickets, people should have fulfilled my life, the show also! The film teaser has also been released. Seeing the glimpse of Shahrukh Khan in the film's teaser, you will press the fingers under your teeth.
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