Actor Akshay Kumar is seen in the bald look these days. His new look is being discussed everywhere. Recently, he was seen in the same look in the Big Boss 11 finale. If news is to be believed then somebody says that his look is for the upcoming movie 'Kesari' and someone says that they are doing hair transplants. While pausing all the rumors, Akshay Kumar himself has revealed his own look. Akshay, who is going to promote his film 'Paddman' in a TV show, has revealed his baldness
Akshay Kumar, while disclosing the news of his baldness, said that he has adopted this look for the film 'Kesari'. He said that he has to wear a big turban in 'Kesari' and it is quite heavy. They were having trouble wearing it and they were feeling uncomfortable. That's why they decided to bald.
Akshay Kumar, while disclosing the news of his baldness, said that he has adopted this look for the film 'Kesari'. He said that he has to wear a big turban in 'Kesari' and it is quite heavy. They were having trouble wearing it and they were feeling uncomfortable. That's why they decided to bald.
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