A unique case has emerged in Chhattarpur district of Madhya Pradesh. After giving birth to the baby, the mother was declared dead in the hospital. The family body brought home and started preparations for the funeral. As soon as the body was laid on the earth, then the body was moved. The house again ran through the ambulance to Chhatarpur district hospital, but on the way the cylinder's oxygen in the ambulance ended. This damaged the woman's condition and died before she even reached the hospital. Ambulance driver scared the woman on the stretcher and ran away with an ambulance.
Bhagwati, 28-year-old wife of Arvind Ahirwar, a ward number 12 Kusma resident of the town town, was admitted to the delivery on Friday afternoon at 12 noon. At around one o'clock in the afternoon, he gave birth to the health girl. After few hours of delivery, the breathing of Bhagwati stopped at about 5 in the evening. So the family moved home with him. Since there was little heat remaining in her body, so the women returned to her body after she massaged the body and breathed her body.
Bhagwati, 28-year-old wife of Arvind Ahirwar, a ward number 12 Kusma resident of the town town, was admitted to the delivery on Friday afternoon at 12 noon. At around one o'clock in the afternoon, he gave birth to the health girl. After few hours of delivery, the breathing of Bhagwati stopped at about 5 in the evening. So the family moved home with him. Since there was little heat remaining in her body, so the women returned to her body after she massaged the body and breathed her body.
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