Anushka has also shared a photo for the promotion of the film on her Twitter account. In this photo Anushka is seen wearing a needle thread on a cloth. They made a butterfly on this fabric.
On 2 October 2017, Anushka and Varun Dhawan shared this small video on Instagram. In this video, he raised the issue of the use of Khadi and being self-reliant, with the congratulations of Gandhi Jayanti
Since Anushka Sharma has been married since India, she has been engaged in her work. Just a few days ago, he also shot his upcoming movie 'Zero' with Shahrukh and Katrina.
On 2 October 2017, Anushka and Varun Dhawan shared this small video on Instagram. In this video, he raised the issue of the use of Khadi and being self-reliant, with the congratulations of Gandhi Jayanti
Since Anushka Sharma has been married since India, she has been engaged in her work. Just a few days ago, he also shot his upcoming movie 'Zero' with Shahrukh and Katrina.
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