Dr. Rajinikanth, living in Mavaiya Sarnath, has added more than 58 thousand children to the education of schools and madarsas. Over 6,000 weavers brought government plans to the weavers
Dr. Rajinikanth, former associate professor of BHU, said, "In 1993, I was an associate professor at Ganga Action Plan, Government of India Scheme. I used to go to the Dinapur sewerage treatment plant to collect samples. "
- "One day a lady from the village got it and sir the bid, I borrowed 200 rupees from a person. I have given him 240 rupees. After that, the principal of Rs 200 still The rest are. Is not social pollution? ''
- "I did not understand anything after hearing him. The other day I went there and talked to that woman - there is a huge social pollution, it will remove us and you people together. "
- "On the second day of the day I left the job of BHU and started working as a social worker with our organization Human Welfare Association. On the second day, the same woman made a self help group bank with 10 women from Madhuri's 200 rupees.
Dr. Rajinikanth, former associate professor of BHU, said, "In 1993, I was an associate professor at Ganga Action Plan, Government of India Scheme. I used to go to the Dinapur sewerage treatment plant to collect samples. "
- "One day a lady from the village got it and sir the bid, I borrowed 200 rupees from a person. I have given him 240 rupees. After that, the principal of Rs 200 still The rest are. Is not social pollution? ''
- "I did not understand anything after hearing him. The other day I went there and talked to that woman - there is a huge social pollution, it will remove us and you people together. "
- "On the second day of the day I left the job of BHU and started working as a social worker with our organization Human Welfare Association. On the second day, the same woman made a self help group bank with 10 women from Madhuri's 200 rupees.
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