The teaser of the upcoming movie 'Na Peru Surya Na Ilu India', released by South Superstar Alu Arjun, was recently released. In the film, Allu is playing the role of Indian Soldier, who vows to die for the country after hard training. According to media reports, Alu charges 16 to 18 crores for a film. He is also known for his livable lifestyle. He has a property worth around 360 crores
Alu Arjun's bungalow in Hyderabad is worth more than Rs. 100 crores. Alu has decorated his home located in Jubilee Hills, a beautiful interior designer, Aamir and Hamida.
- Aamir and Hamida have designed the house keeping in mind the two objectives of Alu and his wife. First house box should be in shape and second should not be designed.
- This house from outside looks like a box, but its interior is worth seeing. There is a magnificent corridor inside the house, which leads to living space. There is a living room, dining, a bar counter from the kitchen.
Alu Arjun's bungalow in Hyderabad is worth more than Rs. 100 crores. Alu has decorated his home located in Jubilee Hills, a beautiful interior designer, Aamir and Hamida.
- Aamir and Hamida have designed the house keeping in mind the two objectives of Alu and his wife. First house box should be in shape and second should not be designed.
- This house from outside looks like a box, but its interior is worth seeing. There is a magnificent corridor inside the house, which leads to living space. There is a living room, dining, a bar counter from the kitchen.
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