Actress Saba Kamar, who debuted in Bollywood with Hindi medium, broke up in an interview and cried. In his interview he said that as a Pakistani, he has to face insults at International Airport. He was very unhappy with Pakistanis 'behavior at other countries' airports. Saba Kamar said, 'Our country is Pakistan, whose slogans we shout ... Pakistan Zindabad, Pakistan Zindabad ... But when we go out and our way of checking ... I can not tell. I find so humiliating that when one thing is checking you. ' This video of Saba Waum is getting viral on social media
Saba Kamar shared a story and said, 'I remember that once I went to Georgia to shoot a movie and my crew was Indian, all went out and I just stopped. My passport stopped me, I am from Pakistan. My whole investigation was done, I got interviewed and then I was let go. On that day I realized that it is our honor, this position is our
Saba Kamar shared a story and said, 'I remember that once I went to Georgia to shoot a movie and my crew was Indian, all went out and I just stopped. My passport stopped me, I am from Pakistan. My whole investigation was done, I got interviewed and then I was let go. On that day I realized that it is our honor, this position is our
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