जिन्नातों ने ढाई द‍िन में बनाई थी ये मस्जिद, प‍िलर्स में छि‍पा है राज, ज...

Here is a 1400-year-old mosque, which has history in the library of America, Bangladesh and South Africa. Often foreign researchers come here. According to their findings, they are looking for a pillar, which may have recorded the history of this mosque. However, due to the painting it remains only a rule till date.

This mosque in Kadhi's Adampur is famous for its two-and-a-half Kangura Mosque or Jinnan Masjid.

- People believe that on 86 pillars a pealer of a mosque has hidden its secret that when, when, and how it was built.

- Haji Ghulam Shabir, the Mutalwal of the mosque, said, "Our family has been serving the mosque for many generations. We have heard from our ancestors that this mosque is 1400 years old. It was made by Jintals in two and a half days, so it is also called the Dhing Kangura Mosque. "
