The King of Bhojpuri films, Dinesh Lall Yadav, Nirhua and Heroine Amrapali Dubey have kept on top of YouTube this time. Both look good with each other and the audience also liked their pair. Let me tell you that Prem Singh's guided film 'Sepoy' has already done its best at the box office and now the Wave Music Company on Youtube on Christmas has released the film. Once released, the film became viral and in the first 24 hours only 'Sepoy' got 16 lakh views. Until the New Year, the film has crossed the 10 million views.
Nirahua played the role of a policeman in the movie 'Sepahi'. In this movie, the problems faced by a small policeman have been shown. In the film, Nirahua and Amrapali's duo are showing excitement and the songs of the movie are also quite fun.This Bhojpuri film had also started its magic at the box office and now it is fast recording new records on YouTube too. Let us tell you that item in the movie Queen Border Singh is also in a small role.
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