The first match of the Test series between Team India and South Africa is being played in Cape Town. Captain Virat Kohli was cheated by Anushka Sharma from the stadium. This is the first time that Anushka is present at the stadium to watch Virat's match after marriage. However, before that he has supported Virat in many matches. Apart from this, many cricketers including Dhawan's wife, Bhuvneshwar's wife, Murali Vijay's wife, were present at the WIF stadium.
In South Africa Virat-Anushka has been enjoying the last few days. This is being called their second honeymoon. After the marriage in Italy on December 11, the couple went to Finland for honeymoon.
After this, the first Grand reception of their wedding was on December 21 in Delhi and the second reception was held on 26 December in Mumbai. After this, along with Virat, Anushka also came to South Africa.
In South Africa Virat-Anushka has been enjoying the last few days. This is being called their second honeymoon. After the marriage in Italy on December 11, the couple went to Finland for honeymoon.
After this, the first Grand reception of their wedding was on December 21 in Delhi and the second reception was held on 26 December in Mumbai. After this, along with Virat, Anushka also came to South Africa.
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