Akshay Kumar's most popular movie 'Padman' is being released on January 25. This is her second movie based on Social Cause. Earlier, 'toilet: a love story' had come, which was quite successful. By the way, if Akshay's personal life is concerned, he has been married for 17 years. On January 17, 2001, Akshay made Twinkle his partner. Although he once revealed that his mother-in-law, Dimple had once considered him gay
When Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna were guests of Karan Johar's show 'Coffee With Karen', they made many disclosures related to their life during that time.
- In the show, Twinkle had made the biggest disclosure of his marriage that his mother understands Akshay as 'Gay'. Actually, Dimple was suspicious of the sexual orientation of Akshay.
This suspicion happened because their journalist friend had said that Akshay was 'gay'. After this, he got to investigate Akshay.
When Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna were guests of Karan Johar's show 'Coffee With Karen', they made many disclosures related to their life during that time.
- In the show, Twinkle had made the biggest disclosure of his marriage that his mother understands Akshay as 'Gay'. Actually, Dimple was suspicious of the sexual orientation of Akshay.
This suspicion happened because their journalist friend had said that Akshay was 'gay'. After this, he got to investigate Akshay.
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