The video and photo of Papi are being viral with a girl in the Mahakal temple. It is being told that on New Year this girl had come to visit Mahakal temple with her husband. She is seen in the Mahakalal complex along with her husband. In this way, the temple management is opening the pole within the temple and the poles of security and security are opening.
In the new year, Baba Mahakal's philosophy reached Bhakta temple with 50 thousand rupees. Three-layer security arrangements were made for Mahakal Darshan. It is being told that a family of Indore also reached the evening's arti.
Here a girl in a red jacket came with a white papi. She was crying to her in the temple premises. In the temple premises, when the media persons got information about the arrival of Pappi, they captured the entire case in the camera. When the media workers asked to come to the temple premises with the pappi, she got angry and got this papa in the premises only.
In the new year, Baba Mahakal's philosophy reached Bhakta temple with 50 thousand rupees. Three-layer security arrangements were made for Mahakal Darshan. It is being told that a family of Indore also reached the evening's arti.
Here a girl in a red jacket came with a white papi. She was crying to her in the temple premises. In the temple premises, when the media persons got information about the arrival of Pappi, they captured the entire case in the camera. When the media workers asked to come to the temple premises with the pappi, she got angry and got this papa in the premises only.
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