Director Sanjayilal Bhansali's film 'Padmavat' was released on Thursday. Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor are in the lead role in the film. If the moments of Ranveer and Deepika are done, then both of them stay away from limelight. Ranveer Singh's mother's name is Anju Bhavani and Deepika Padukone's mother's name is Ujjwala Padukone. Not only this are many celebs, whose mothers prefer to stay away from limelight
Ranveer Singh's mother is Anju Bawani Housewife. They take care of the family. Parties and events are rare in sight. Ranveer says that his mom always encouraged him to move forward.
Mother Ujjwala Padukone is also Housewife for Deepika Padukone. Deepika's mother had a desire that she go to Rishikesh and take part in MahaRati and she fulfills her wishes.
Ranveer Singh's mother is Anju Bawani Housewife. They take care of the family. Parties and events are rare in sight. Ranveer says that his mom always encouraged him to move forward.
Mother Ujjwala Padukone is also Housewife for Deepika Padukone. Deepika's mother had a desire that she go to Rishikesh and take part in MahaRati and she fulfills her wishes.
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