Recently, Bollywood's famous photographer Dabu Ratanani launched the calendar of 2018. In which the glamorous avatar of VJ and singer Anusha Dandekar was seen. Here he was dressed in orange color jumpsuit, due to which he was quite open, he was seen to be a victim of Oops moment in the photograph. Let me tell you, they reached with the boyfriend Karan Kundra, both of them gave Kai Pose in front of the camera.
Karan and Anusha are dating each other for a long time. Karan had told in an interview that Anusha had met on the airport while working for MTV.
- During that time both went to Europe for a MTV show. Where they stayed together in Europe trip for 6-7 days, the two came closer to each other and both were enjoying each other's company.
- Let's say, Anusha is born in Australia and she is a glamorous girl. At Karan, there is a typical Punjabi family.
Karan and Anusha are dating each other for a long time. Karan had told in an interview that Anusha had met on the airport while working for MTV.
- During that time both went to Europe for a MTV show. Where they stayed together in Europe trip for 6-7 days, the two came closer to each other and both were enjoying each other's company.
- Let's say, Anusha is born in Australia and she is a glamorous girl. At Karan, there is a typical Punjabi family.
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