इंजेक्शन से बना डाला अपना ऐसा हाल, अब कर रहीं ये दावे..

An X air hostess of Germany is in the news again. This woman, who changes her look through dangerous injections, now says that she and her hair are now becoming a natural bye-becoming. The 29-year-old glamor model has spent more than Rs 45 lakh on Big Plastic Surgery so far. She has also taken injections of tanning to brush her color with breast implant

Martina Barbie in the white glamor model ever wanted to look like Because of this hobby, he made such a situation.

- He has spent about 45 lakh rupees for this look. They have implanted breast implants and have darkened their color with tanning injections.

However, now Martina claims that her hair has become natural like an African. He said that I realized that the texture of my hair has changed.
