Sridevi's daughter Jahnavi Kapoor had a spot on dinner date last night. Often seen with Shahid Kapoor's brother Ishaan Khattar, Jahanvi appeared with someone else this time. They were seen outside of the restaurant with Mystery Boy. Jahnavi wore lower wearing shirt with maroon and blue color. Together they looked very gorgeous in the top of the black color. He kept his hair open and kept light make-up.
Jahnavi Kapoor is debuting with director Shashank Khaitan's 'Dhadk'. In this film Shahid Kapoor's brother Ishaan Khattar will be seen with him. Ishan also has this debut movie. Karan Johar's Dharma Productions, under the Dharma Productions, is a remake of Marathi film 'Sarat'. 'Sarat' is a Marathi blockbuster movie which was released in 2016. This is the first Marathi film to join the 100 million club. Jahnavi has also trained in dance and bike riding for this film.
Jahnavi Kapoor is debuting with director Shashank Khaitan's 'Dhadk'. In this film Shahid Kapoor's brother Ishaan Khattar will be seen with him. Ishan also has this debut movie. Karan Johar's Dharma Productions, under the Dharma Productions, is a remake of Marathi film 'Sarat'. 'Sarat' is a Marathi blockbuster movie which was released in 2016. This is the first Marathi film to join the 100 million club. Jahnavi has also trained in dance and bike riding for this film.
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