It is not a matter of anybody to compete with Bollywood's Shah Rukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan's popularity. Both of these celebrities find the most love of fans on social media, but recently, the rising fan following of King Khan has left behind Big B on Twitter.
Shahrukh and Amitabh are very active on social media. Both of these often post pictures of some who see their fans always associate with them. But recently, Fan Fallow of Shahrukh has defeated Big B.
According to the information, Amitabh Bachchan's number of followers on Twitter is 32897991 million, while Shah Rukh Khan's followers have increased to 32933940. Following this increased number, King Khan has become one of the most followed Bollywood actors in the list.
Shahrukh and Amitabh are very active on social media. Both of these often post pictures of some who see their fans always associate with them. But recently, Fan Fallow of Shahrukh has defeated Big B.
According to the information, Amitabh Bachchan's number of followers on Twitter is 32897991 million, while Shah Rukh Khan's followers have increased to 32933940. Following this increased number, King Khan has become one of the most followed Bollywood actors in the list.
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