Talks of Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor's wedding are getting bigger these days, on the subject of marriage, Akshay Kumar also got a pinch of Sonam at a promotional event in the film Padma. In the joke, Akshay told Sonam that he has heard that you are about to get married. Sonam had put aside this joke of Akshay in laughter. In a special interview with Navbharat, Sonam said that he will not be publicly discussing his marriage, there is no pressure on marriage in his house.
Sonam explains, 'Sister Riya and even after me Papa wanted the third daughter. There is no difference between our brothers and sisters in our house. Dad and Mommy always say what you have to do, you can do everything, you have to get married, do not do it, do not do it, you have to get married and when you have to do it, any kind of restriction or stoppage of any kind, There is no penis.
Sonam explains, 'Sister Riya and even after me Papa wanted the third daughter. There is no difference between our brothers and sisters in our house. Dad and Mommy always say what you have to do, you can do everything, you have to get married, do not do it, do not do it, you have to get married and when you have to do it, any kind of restriction or stoppage of any kind, There is no penis.
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