Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan have bought another new apartment. It is a luxury flat at 5500 sq ft in the Bandra-Kurla Complex. The price of this flat bought in 2015 was Rs 21 crore at that time. Its Inside Photos Ash-Now has just shared, in which the beautiful interior of the house is visible. However, it is not yet decided whether this Bollywood couple will shift in this apartment. Let them know that both of them are currently living in 'Jalsa' in Juhu based
Believe in the close source, the Signia Isles building will have Ash-Abhi's neighbor Sonam Kapoor. Because they also bought a house here that is built on 7000 square feet. Its worth is more than 35 crores.
Believe in the close source, the Signia Isles building will have Ash-Abhi's neighbor Sonam Kapoor. Because they also bought a house here that is built on 7000 square feet. Its worth is more than 35 crores.
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