इंडिया में हाथ में सैनेटरी पैड लिए घूमती है ये लेडी, देखिये..

Akshay Kumar's film Padman is going to be released in a few days. You must have heard that this film is based on the life of Arunachalam Muruganantham, popularly known as Padman. But we are going to tell you about the MP3's Pad Woman. Who is determined to make the women aware, the women who have not heard about Pad. We are talking about Maya Vishwakarma, who returned from America and in a small village of Narsinghpur, he has put a factory to make sanitary pad and started making sanitary pad through women too. The aim is to make rural women aware about periods and related problems

Researched on Blood Cancer in the Maya University of California, San Francisco. After this, when he returned to India, he joined the party and started working on reaching Narsinghpur. Badhwar-Swarj is a book possible
