Bank note Press Dewas on Friday arrested the police officer. The official used to steal notes from the press. The officer even stole notes worth Rs 90 lakh after so much security. The colleagues were caught by the police with a sense of suspicion. The police is seizing the notes and questioning him. Let the CISF jawan suspect the officer one day before the arrest. Whose notice was given by the young man to his official. After that the officer was caught with the entire plan
The accused's name is Manohar Verma. A day before his arrest, the CISF jawan was suspicious of him. According to BNP sources, Manohar Verma came in the note verification branch, which came out as a new officer, two jawans roaming around and roaming outside.
The accused's name is Manohar Verma. A day before his arrest, the CISF jawan was suspicious of him. According to BNP sources, Manohar Verma came in the note verification branch, which came out as a new officer, two jawans roaming around and roaming outside.
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