Vidya Balan, who is 39 years old, shared a shocking anecdote about her life a few months ago. He had told that once he was traveling in Mumbai local, a man started masterbating in front of him. Vidya also told that what they did to get out of this situation
According to Vidya, the matter has happened when she was studying in college. He was returning from college, when a man got into the ladies compartment of the train.
"When we told him that he was a lady box, he said that he did not know that the box would change at the next station, but instead of landing down on the gate of the compartment, after that he got his pants Opened the zip and started masterbating in front of everyone.
According to Vidya, the matter has happened when she was studying in college. He was returning from college, when a man got into the ladies compartment of the train.
"When we told him that he was a lady box, he said that he did not know that the box would change at the next station, but instead of landing down on the gate of the compartment, after that he got his pants Opened the zip and started masterbating in front of everyone.
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