Alia Bhatt had recently reached Jodhpur in the marriage of her best friend grace Mehta. From music to Mehdi Ceremani, Alia has enjoyed her in every function with her girl gang, but she was very emotional at the time of farewell. A while ago, a video of Aliya has surfaced, in which she could not stop her tears at the time of grace, and started crying on her second friend's throat.
Let the friend's wedding wardrobe wear a lantern of gray color, in which she looked very beautiful. They had a lot of fun and fun at the wedding. During this time, he has also danced with Friends on the song 'Air air ...'. From welcoming the procession to the wedding, Ali was ahead in every ritual like stealing shoes.
- Talking about the upsurge of Aliya, he is now shooting 'Gully Boy' with Ranveer Singh. Apart from this, Ranbir Kapoor is also shooting for 'Brahmastra'. Shortly before, he has completed the shooting of Vicky Skill starrer Raji.
Let the friend's wedding wardrobe wear a lantern of gray color, in which she looked very beautiful. They had a lot of fun and fun at the wedding. During this time, he has also danced with Friends on the song 'Air air ...'. From welcoming the procession to the wedding, Ali was ahead in every ritual like stealing shoes.
- Talking about the upsurge of Aliya, he is now shooting 'Gully Boy' with Ranveer Singh. Apart from this, Ranbir Kapoor is also shooting for 'Brahmastra'. Shortly before, he has completed the shooting of Vicky Skill starrer Raji.
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