Wednesday's day is very special for Amrita Arora. Today Amrita is celebrating her 40th birthday. To make this day memorable, her best friend Kareena Kapoor Khan has a fantastic party organization for Amrita. The theme of the party kept the tribal. There was a lot of rage at the airport after reaching Goa from the Charter Plane. In the party, Amrita's Birthday cake was a sight to everyone's laugh.
In this gang of girls, besides Kareena and Amrita, both of the sisters were Karishma and Malika, while Saif Ali Khan also became a special part of this party. Looking at these pictures, it seems that Amrita will never forget her 40th birthday
Kareena and her gang did not give up on tribal themes. Everything from dress to julari to antique Amrita's birthday cake was such that she herself hesitated to cut. But after a while they used to bake the cake in the same style as they were all about, the style that everyone wanted.
In this gang of girls, besides Kareena and Amrita, both of the sisters were Karishma and Malika, while Saif Ali Khan also became a special part of this party. Looking at these pictures, it seems that Amrita will never forget her 40th birthday
Kareena and her gang did not give up on tribal themes. Everything from dress to julari to antique Amrita's birthday cake was such that she herself hesitated to cut. But after a while they used to bake the cake in the same style as they were all about, the style that everyone wanted.
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