A 15-year-old girl, resident of Salkan, a resident of Sankrauli district, who had received shelter in Bal Sakhaa Ashram, located at Ratargarh, in Khatwa village of Khatawwa, was finally found to be operating on Tuesday due to illness, leaving the family due to illness, leaving her in the family due to illness. A team of five doctors, including two neurosurgeons in Bombay Hospital, took her seven hours of operation and got 300 grams of tumor from her face. The girl started crying in her senses, but Babita Khare, counselor of Bal Shakha Ashram told her that you are looking very beautiful now. On this, the girl saw an eye in between the straps strapped on the face and smiled by the air. Seeing her happy, everyone's faces bloomed.
A team of eye and anesthesia specialists including Dr Yogesh Tandvade, Nose, Ear, gout specialist Dr. Anil Gwalior, Neuro surgeon Dr. Raghavan Iyengar and Dr. Prashant Nivarkar, plastic surgery specialist at Bombay Hospital started the operation from 10 a.m. After 5 o'clock, the tumor attached to the brain could be removed after the operation.
A team of eye and anesthesia specialists including Dr Yogesh Tandvade, Nose, Ear, gout specialist Dr. Anil Gwalior, Neuro surgeon Dr. Raghavan Iyengar and Dr. Prashant Nivarkar, plastic surgery specialist at Bombay Hospital started the operation from 10 a.m. After 5 o'clock, the tumor attached to the brain could be removed after the operation.
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