In Shajapur, a minor has been arrested for forced marriage. The youth of Kannoud's 14-year-old took the bluff and took Ujjain on the pretext of getting new clothes. Here, he changed his name to his house and did Ayesha, put a mortgage and put an acid on his hand to remove the anus religious mark on his hands and even after getting married, he got married. In the early age, she made her mother. After four years of life, the teenager walked from there and came to Shajapur. Here the activist of Hindu organization saw him roaming along the highway. Asked the reason, the Rogue stood up listening to the young woman.
The victim told that near the house, Raja alias Asif came to the tea shop frequently. With excuses, he started talking to me and took me to Ujjain one day by asking me to take a cloth and bring new clothes. Taking her out of her absent house in Ujjain, Begunkbag made her hostage. She was already married. Having been hostage for a year, continued to beat me.
The victim told that near the house, Raja alias Asif came to the tea shop frequently. With excuses, he started talking to me and took me to Ujjain one day by asking me to take a cloth and bring new clothes. Taking her out of her absent house in Ujjain, Begunkbag made her hostage. She was already married. Having been hostage for a year, continued to beat me.
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