Bigg Boss 8's Contestant Bollywood Actress Minisha Lamba is 33 years old. Minisha belongs to a Hariwati Jat family. He was born on January 18, 1985 in New Delhi. It is said that after entering the films, they had made plastic surgery of nose to look beautiful, but it went wrong and their eyes worsened rather than good.
Minisha made Bollywood debut in 2005 with Sujit Ghatak's film 'Here'. If there is a comparison between the look and the look of his films in this film, then there is a lot of difference.
- It has been speculated that Minissar has provided plastic surgery for the nose. However, Minisha himself never officially confirmed it.
Minisha made Bollywood debut in 2005 with Sujit Ghatak's film 'Here'. If there is a comparison between the look and the look of his films in this film, then there is a lot of difference.
- It has been speculated that Minissar has provided plastic surgery for the nose. However, Minisha himself never officially confirmed it.
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