Team India is currently in South Africa. Here he has to play Test Series from January 5. Earlier, in the break, Captain Virat Kohli appeared with Wife Anushka walking and shopping. A photo of this celebrity couple being seen viral on social media has 50 percent cell phones. Fans made many funny comments on this photo
A fan commented, even though Husband is Virat Kohli, but 50% of the women seem more resistant to the cell. Another fan wrote, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma both have net worth in crores, yet 50% are shopping in the cell.
- In this photo, Shikhar Dhawan's wife Ayesha is also seen along with Virat and Anushka.
It is worth mentioning that many Indians, including Virat, Dhawan, Bhubaneswar, have been with him on this tour.
A fan commented, even though Husband is Virat Kohli, but 50% of the women seem more resistant to the cell. Another fan wrote, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma both have net worth in crores, yet 50% are shopping in the cell.
- In this photo, Shikhar Dhawan's wife Ayesha is also seen along with Virat and Anushka.
It is worth mentioning that many Indians, including Virat, Dhawan, Bhubaneswar, have been with him on this tour.
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