Sanjay Dutt's daughter, Trishti Datt, has recently shared selfie with Papa at her Instagram account. While sharing selfie, he wrote captions, 'plays like a kid, gives advice like a friend, protects like a body guard. I love you
Trishi, when studying in high school (2003), weighing about 90 kg. While studying in college, he started paying attention to his figure and weighed about 30 kg. Similarly, in the last 3-4 years, they reduced some more weight and talk about today, their weight is 58 kg. Trishy, daughter of Sanjay Dutt and his first wife, Richa Sharma, is currently trying her luck in the fashion industry.
Trishi, when studying in high school (2003), weighing about 90 kg. While studying in college, he started paying attention to his figure and weighed about 30 kg. Similarly, in the last 3-4 years, they reduced some more weight and talk about today, their weight is 58 kg. Trishy, daughter of Sanjay Dutt and his first wife, Richa Sharma, is currently trying her luck in the fashion industry.
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