26 girls from Andhra Pradesh who got away from eating a competition got spoiled after eating They ate dinner at a well-known hotel on the bus stand on Tuesday night. After complaining of pain in the stomach and vomiting, they were admitted to the MAY hospital. According to doctors, this complaint was made from contaminated food. After the information, the food department team conducted raiding and sampling the samples of the hotel.
According to the information, a 40-member team of Andhra Pradesh's Vishnu Engineering College has come to Indore. The girls who came to participate in a competition in Pithampur include girls. On Tuesday night, all of them ate lunch at the hotel. After that all of them returned to their hotel. In the morning, some students talked of abdominal pain After this, the health of 26 girls was damaged one by one and they started making vomiting.
According to the information, a 40-member team of Andhra Pradesh's Vishnu Engineering College has come to Indore. The girls who came to participate in a competition in Pithampur include girls. On Tuesday night, all of them ate lunch at the hotel. After that all of them returned to their hotel. In the morning, some students talked of abdominal pain After this, the health of 26 girls was damaged one by one and they started making vomiting.
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