Isha Gupta is more popular on social media than Bollywood. This time, Isha has come to the discussion for a different reason. Isha appeared in Ajay Devgan's 'Badshaho' for the last time. Since then, he has not been seen in any film. Now there are some pictures on Isha's social media which are difficult to believe.
Actually, some photos of Isha Gupta's 18-year-old boy have come up. These pictures have been shared by Isha on their Instagram account. Seeing the type of captions written by Isha, while sharing the pictures, there was a stir between social media users.
In many pictures, this 18-year-old Isha is showing her how close friend is doing. There, Isha has given captions like "my one and only" and "my love" in the photo
Actually, some photos of Isha Gupta's 18-year-old boy have come up. These pictures have been shared by Isha on their Instagram account. Seeing the type of captions written by Isha, while sharing the pictures, there was a stir between social media users.
In many pictures, this 18-year-old Isha is showing her how close friend is doing. There, Isha has given captions like "my one and only" and "my love" in the photo
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