A heart -breaking incident has emerged from Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh. A forced mother had to sell the piece of her liver. According to reports in the media, this incident is from Meerganj area of Bareilly. Where a woman had no money for her husband's treatment. The family's Mali condition was so bad that the woman decided to sell her 15-day-old child and made a deal with her litter piece in 45 thousand. Let me tell you that this woman has two sons beforehand.
According to media reports, the woman's husband used to do wages. During the work he became a victim of an accident and the spinal cord broke. It is being told that local doctors gave him the opinion of going to Delhi or Lucknow for treatment. But the woman did not have enough money to treat her husband.
It is being told that the woman pleaded for help from the people in the village but nobody supported her. After this, the woman sold the 15-day son.
According to media reports, the woman's husband used to do wages. During the work he became a victim of an accident and the spinal cord broke. It is being told that local doctors gave him the opinion of going to Delhi or Lucknow for treatment. But the woman did not have enough money to treat her husband.
It is being told that the woman pleaded for help from the people in the village but nobody supported her. After this, the woman sold the 15-day son.
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