After marrying the retired power worker of the city, police arrested the woman carrying 3 lakh rupees and jewelery on Saturday. The woman had married by calling the pooja name, her real name was Hema. The police has also registered a case against the young man who played the role of marrying woman and the brother of a bride. From them, only Rs. 10 thousand and one crores have been found in the fraud and money taken from the fraud.
After getting retired from the power company, Rupdas Bairagi (60), resident of Mandsaur, was living in the house of Saidham Colony in Naogaon. His wife Vandana died in 1992. There was no reason to care for the child without being too. After discussing with friends to decide to get married for the sake of old age, a friend gave the number of Gulva's Ashok Prajapat.
After getting retired from the power company, Rupdas Bairagi (60), resident of Mandsaur, was living in the house of Saidham Colony in Naogaon. His wife Vandana died in 1992. There was no reason to care for the child without being too. After discussing with friends to decide to get married for the sake of old age, a friend gave the number of Gulva's Ashok Prajapat.
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