Bollywood actress and business woman Preity Zinta are 43 years old. On January 31, 1975, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh-born Prei was only 13 years old when she lost her father Durganand Zinta in a car accident. After this accident, his mother NeelPrabha stayed on the bed for two years and then left for one day forever. Pretty has two brothers, Deepakkar and Manish. Dipankar was then the army officer and Manish lived in California.
Pretty completed the initial schooling from Shimla's Convent of Jesus and Mary School.
- Later he did the Lawrence School, and completed college education from St. Bades College, Shimla.
- Preity Zinta has post graduation in Criminal Psychology.
Pretty completed the initial schooling from Shimla's Convent of Jesus and Mary School.
- Later he did the Lawrence School, and completed college education from St. Bades College, Shimla.
- Preity Zinta has post graduation in Criminal Psychology.
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