Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Degree College of Allahabad University, Phaphamau, on Wednesday, a 12-feet long dragon turned out. Seeing the dragon a stampede at the college campus Students started screaming and screaming and the information about dropping out in the college was given to Professor NB Singh of the Department of Botany of Allahabad University. He immediately reached the college and could overcome the dragon after a long struggle. Professor NB Singh said that the python length is 12 feet and its weight is more than 40 kg and now it will be left in safe jungle.
Professor is telling that the purpose of catching a dragon is to keep the dragon safely accessible. Because he wanders in search of food and comes towards the settlement. Let me tell you that the 12 feet long python was troubled for a long time, due to which he got furious, so the professor had to take a lot of trouble in catching him.
For information, please inform that Prof. N.B. Singh is famous as the Haryana guru, and for many years, snakes and dragon catch in the residential area and keep people aware about them and reach the snake safe migration.
Professor is telling that the purpose of catching a dragon is to keep the dragon safely accessible. Because he wanders in search of food and comes towards the settlement. Let me tell you that the 12 feet long python was troubled for a long time, due to which he got furious, so the professor had to take a lot of trouble in catching him.
For information, please inform that Prof. N.B. Singh is famous as the Haryana guru, and for many years, snakes and dragon catch in the residential area and keep people aware about them and reach the snake safe migration.
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