Kareena Kapoor Khan has recently shot photoshoot for Vogue India. In some of the pictures Kareena is seen in Bikini, some are in short dress. Kareena looks very hot after post pregnancy weight loss. Earlier, in the film 'Tashan' in 2008, Kareena surprised the fans with her zero figure. In this film, Karina Lime appeared in the green color bikini. Right now, after 10 years, they are repeating the history again and in Orange color two-piece Bikini, the sexy figure is doing the flint.
In December last year, only a few months after the birth of Timur, Kareena is doing a lot of work to come to Shape. For this, he is also doing a workout with Yoga sessions.
Actually, he was working so hard for his upcoming movie 'Veire the Wedding'. Right now, they are busy shooting for this film. There are also Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhaskar along with Kareena in the film. Please tell that this film is being produced by Sona's sister Riya Kapoor.
In December last year, only a few months after the birth of Timur, Kareena is doing a lot of work to come to Shape. For this, he is also doing a workout with Yoga sessions.
Actually, he was working so hard for his upcoming movie 'Veire the Wedding'. Right now, they are busy shooting for this film. There are also Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhaskar along with Kareena in the film. Please tell that this film is being produced by Sona's sister Riya Kapoor.
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