Shahid Kapoor's wife, Mira Rajput, always keeps headlines in social media for her dressing sense. But these days, the childhood picture of Meera is becoming viral on the Internet, which is being done from the company of Comparison.
Actually, Mira has shared a picture of the school on Instagram, which can be said to be so sure that her daughter Misha has gone completely to her. In this picture, Mira is wearing a school dress and two ponys are tied in, in which the glimpse of Misha is clearly visible.
Shahid and Mira's daughter have been in a year in August this year but their style has started to impress people right now. Meisha Star Kid is said to be the most beautiful, even her parents are not able to stop herself from sharing her pictures on social media.
Actually, Mira has shared a picture of the school on Instagram, which can be said to be so sure that her daughter Misha has gone completely to her. In this picture, Mira is wearing a school dress and two ponys are tied in, in which the glimpse of Misha is clearly visible.
Shahid and Mira's daughter have been in a year in August this year but their style has started to impress people right now. Meisha Star Kid is said to be the most beautiful, even her parents are not able to stop herself from sharing her pictures on social media.
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