The story of the marriage of Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and cricketer Virat Kohli is in the news. If reports are to be believed then both of them are getting married on December 12. Let us tell you that in this marriage, some celebs from the cricket world can join Bollywood besides the Bollywood. According to the information received, Anushka had invited Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan in the wedding, but he did not give the invitation to Salman Khan. Apart from these, he has also called Ranbir Kapoor, Katrina Kaif, Karan Johar, Aditya Chopra, director Munish Sharma. At the same time, Virat Kohli has invited his childhood friends, including Sachin Tendulkar, Yuvraj Singh and coach Rajkumar Sharma.
Anushka Sharma and her family have already left for Italy on Thursday. Anupam Dham of the Anusha Dham Siddhadham Haridwar with Anushka's family was also seen at the airport. According to media reports, these are the same pundits who were present in Anukka-Virat's Uttarakhand meeting or Roka Ceremoni last year. Explain that Anushka-Virat has been dating each other for a long time.
Anushka Sharma and her family have already left for Italy on Thursday. Anupam Dham of the Anusha Dham Siddhadham Haridwar with Anushka's family was also seen at the airport. According to media reports, these are the same pundits who were present in Anukka-Virat's Uttarakhand meeting or Roka Ceremoni last year. Explain that Anushka-Virat has been dating each other for a long time.
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