Actor Shama Sikandar, who plays the character of 'Fierce Fairy' in the TV serial 'Balaveer' (now closed), is enjoying the vacation in Dubai these days. They shared some photos of their awakening with their Instagram. Shama Sikandar started his career with modeling. After that he appeared in many music videos. Shema also acted in some films and then her entry into the TV world. In the TV show 'Balaveer' (2014), she played a fairy-tale role and earned her a lot of popularity.
Shama Alexander's Short Movie 'Sexhoholic' was released in March, 2016. In this, Shama played Sex Addict Woman. In the film, he has given many kissing and bold scenes with Ko-Star. About this movie, Shama had said, "It was not easy for an ordinary girl to do such a scene, but I did the movie with full confidence." According to Shama, his motive for working in this movie is to look for Big Break in Bollywood. After a long time, he has decided to return to the Entertainment World. "
In 2016, when Shama had shared photos with a man named James Miliron, his exact opposite was revealed.
Shama Alexander's Short Movie 'Sexhoholic' was released in March, 2016. In this, Shama played Sex Addict Woman. In the film, he has given many kissing and bold scenes with Ko-Star. About this movie, Shama had said, "It was not easy for an ordinary girl to do such a scene, but I did the movie with full confidence." According to Shama, his motive for working in this movie is to look for Big Break in Bollywood. After a long time, he has decided to return to the Entertainment World. "
In 2016, when Shama had shared photos with a man named James Miliron, his exact opposite was revealed.
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