Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli has made Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan a lot behind with a face value of $ 14.4 million, and with this Virat has become India's number one brand celebrity.
Kohli's brand value has increased 56% compared to last year. Let them know that such a rise in their face value has resulted in their endorsement fees, better performance on the field and rise in popularity index. Virat has become the first choice of every brand. Duff and Phelps's report says that Virat is able to attract customers very quickly and quickly.
According to the report titled "Rise of the Millennials India's Most Valuable Celebrity Brand", this is the first time that Shah Rukh left behind in this list and now Virat Kohli has replaced him. According to the report, Shahrukh Khan has come second with the brand value of $ 10.6 million. Shah Rukh's face value has decreased by 20 per cent compared to 2016.
Kohli's brand value has increased 56% compared to last year. Let them know that such a rise in their face value has resulted in their endorsement fees, better performance on the field and rise in popularity index. Virat has become the first choice of every brand. Duff and Phelps's report says that Virat is able to attract customers very quickly and quickly.
According to the report titled "Rise of the Millennials India's Most Valuable Celebrity Brand", this is the first time that Shah Rukh left behind in this list and now Virat Kohli has replaced him. According to the report, Shahrukh Khan has come second with the brand value of $ 10.6 million. Shah Rukh's face value has decreased by 20 per cent compared to 2016.
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