State Bank of India (SBI) has changed the names, codes and IFSC codes of the 1295 branches. Among them were those who were recently merged with SBI. The complete list of the branch names and codes that have been changed can be seen on the official website of SBI. It includes branches of several other cities along with Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Patna, Bhopal.
If you have an account in any branch of SBI, then there will be an alert when you make transactions with online and check. Both of these, the transaction requires IFSC code, which has changed from 1295 branches. In such a case, if your account is in one of the 1295 branches, then the new name of the bank, along with the code, should also be known as the IFSC code. Without them, you will not be able to deal with money. In the online transaction, the branch code and name along with the IFSC code are also to be given.
If you have an account in any branch of SBI, then there will be an alert when you make transactions with online and check. Both of these, the transaction requires IFSC code, which has changed from 1295 branches. In such a case, if your account is in one of the 1295 branches, then the new name of the bank, along with the code, should also be known as the IFSC code. Without them, you will not be able to deal with money. In the online transaction, the branch code and name along with the IFSC code are also to be given.
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