Models hit the fray on Friday in the fashion festival of Asma Hussein Institute of Fashion and Technology (AIFT) in the capital. Dancing on the tune of DJ, everyone took the mind. In the various festivals held at the institute, the youngsters performed their talents brilliantly.
Participants participating in the festival participated in the brush makeup competition and won the heart of the audience by making make-up on each other's faces.
During this time, beautiful hairstyles competition was organized, in which the women and women showed more than one hair style.
23 participants in the makeup competition and 20 participants in the hair style.
Besides this, competition for singing and fashion designing was also organized. Models included in it are full of burning on the DJ's tune.
- Aparna Yadav, Monica Bhondwal and Shruti Shirodkar were present in the role of judges
Participants participating in the festival participated in the brush makeup competition and won the heart of the audience by making make-up on each other's faces.
During this time, beautiful hairstyles competition was organized, in which the women and women showed more than one hair style.
23 participants in the makeup competition and 20 participants in the hair style.
Besides this, competition for singing and fashion designing was also organized. Models included in it are full of burning on the DJ's tune.
- Aparna Yadav, Monica Bhondwal and Shruti Shirodkar were present in the role of judges
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