In Dholpur, Rajasthan, the responsible people made a student cock to implement Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. This student was going for open defecation. On this, the officials gave him message and education by making him clean and keeping the country clean. Student's make cock became viral
The responsibility of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has been entrusted to the city's government, ie the municipality. People are being harassed in fulfilling her. The ODF team was on duty on its cleanliness mission on Wednesday.
- In the ward 31, a team went to the toilet for a bottle in the open to go for defecation. The team caught the student and beat him when he went for the open. After this, the junior engineer Uday Singh and the Home Guard personnel of the municipality involved in the team made it a cock to teach a lesson of cleanliness.
- Some people present in this event made the video. After this, they made this video viral. Video became wild after the video became viral.
The responsibility of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has been entrusted to the city's government, ie the municipality. People are being harassed in fulfilling her. The ODF team was on duty on its cleanliness mission on Wednesday.
- In the ward 31, a team went to the toilet for a bottle in the open to go for defecation. The team caught the student and beat him when he went for the open. After this, the junior engineer Uday Singh and the Home Guard personnel of the municipality involved in the team made it a cock to teach a lesson of cleanliness.
- Some people present in this event made the video. After this, they made this video viral. Video became wild after the video became viral.
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