आधी रात सलमान के घर जुटे फैन्स, फिर हुआ ऐसा...

Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is the birthday of Bhaijan. Salman has given his fans 'Tiger is alive' on Christmas and on the occasion of his birthday. At the same time, Salman's fans made his movie a huge hit, which was no less than a gift. Salman Khan's 'Tiger is alive' is performing very well at the box office. On the occasion of Salman's Birthday, he organized a splendid party. On Tuesday evening, on December 26, Anushka-Virat's reception party was celebrated in Mumbai on one side. Virat-Anushka's reception party included half of Bollywood. On the other side after settling the party of ViruKa, many stars came to join the birthday party of Salman Khan. Katrina, who was dressed in the reception of Virat and Anushka, changed Katrina straight into Salman's party.
