His funeral was done on Thursday evening with military honors after the death of Nilesh Thakde, a resident of Dewas in Srinagar on Tuesday. On Thursday morning, as army officers and jawans were seen standing all the way standing for the honor of the soldiers who had taken away their bodies with mansions from Mhow. As the bodies move forward, people walk along. During this time the flowers were laid throughout the course and Rangoli was made in place. In the evening, his last rites were performed on the farm with state honor.
Army officers and the youth went to Mhow with the body of Nilesh on Thursday morning. In the honor of the soldier, from Mhow to village, people stood in the form of a procession. Wherever the body of the body has passed. The people made the last glimpse and sent the glory of Bharat Mata to him. Wherever posters were put in honor, Rangoli was created. Hundreds of people appeared in the last glimpse of Dewas. Throughout the course, women, children, old and old all reached the final philosophy.
Army officers and the youth went to Mhow with the body of Nilesh on Thursday morning. In the honor of the soldier, from Mhow to village, people stood in the form of a procession. Wherever the body of the body has passed. The people made the last glimpse and sent the glory of Bharat Mata to him. Wherever posters were put in honor, Rangoli was created. Hundreds of people appeared in the last glimpse of Dewas. Throughout the course, women, children, old and old all reached the final philosophy.
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