On Friday, a woman handed over the deer's baby to the forest department in Neemakatu of Pratappur police station area. In fact, this kid of deer had come home with his goats 6 months ago. After that he stayed with the goats The woman also adopted it. But when the deer's child grew up a little, the woman began to fear this, somebody would not kill her. For this reason, the lady handed the deer to the forest department. During this time, women were tears in their eyes.
-Women department staff handed the deer child to National Park Hazaribagh. According to the woman, this deer boy was drinking milk of goats.
The ladies started feeding the deer's baby in the house. The deer was playing in the house like other goats.
-When he grew up, the woman was scared that it should not happen that the deer's child should see someone alone and kill him.
-Women department staff handed the deer child to National Park Hazaribagh. According to the woman, this deer boy was drinking milk of goats.
The ladies started feeding the deer's baby in the house. The deer was playing in the house like other goats.
-When he grew up, the woman was scared that it should not happen that the deer's child should see someone alone and kill him.
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